
FIS Activities

Excellence in Online Education: Our School’s Activities and Methods

At Futuristic International School, our educational philosophy goes beyond mere academics and emphasizes the holistic development of our students. With a view to nurturing their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, we offer an array of extracurricular activities. Our school hosts various events, including

*Science exhibition
*Computer coding exhibition
*Islamic Quiz
*Eid Milan celebrations
*Daily morning assemblies
*Support sessions
*Student Week
*Enlightenment Series (Guest Lectures)
*Physical meetups for students.

We take great pride in providing a safe and secure virtual environment that enables our students to showcase their talents and learn new skills. To facilitate social interaction and foster meaningful connections, we have separate online cafeterias for boys and girls. We remain committed to equipping our students with the competencies required for success in the digital age while upholding the values and traditions that define our school’s ethos.

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